Covid Waiver - Aviva Pilates

Aviva Pilates



    a) Fever
    b) Cough (not due to allergies)
    c) Sore Throat
    d) Shortness of Breath
    e) Loss of smell or taste
    If "YES", LEAVE/DO NOT ENTER the workplace, GS inform supervisor, CTR inform employer, uniformed
    personnel inform chain of command, put on a clean mask or cloth face covering and contact/report to your
    medical provider (call ahead to inform them of your pending arrival). Follow CDC Guidance.' *Entry denied

    If "YES", LEAVE/DO NOT ENTER the workplace.
    Uniformed personnel: Complete 14 days of ROM.'*Entry denied

    GS/contractor: DO NOT ENTER workplace for 14 days and inform
    supervisor/employer.' Follow CDC Guidance.3 `Entry denied

    If "YES", LEAVE/DO NOT ENTER the workplace.
    Uniformed personnel/GS/contractor: DO NOT ENTER workplace and contact supervisor/employer for additional guidance.'

    Refer to NMCPHC assessment of state/county specific risk (CAC required).4

    a) Within 6 feet for prolonged period of time
    b) In direct contact with infectious secretions (been coughed/sneezed upon, etc.)
    If "YES", LEAVE/DO NOT ENTER the workplace, Put Put on a clean mask or cloth face covering and contact/report to your medical provider (call ahead to inform them of your pending arrival) for quarantine determination. 'Entry denied

    a) If temperature is less than 100°F (37.8°C), allow access. Screening is complete
    b) If temperature is equal to or higher than 100°F (37.8°C), LEAVE/DO NOT ENTER the workplace,
    GS inform supervisor, CTR inform employer, uniformed personnel inform chain of command, put
    a clean mask on when one is available, and contact/report to your medical provider (call ahead to
    inform them of your pending arrival). Follow CDC Guidance.1*Entry denied